Patch list for RDM Embedded Version 8.1 8.1.K 16-Nov-2011 Issue Description ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- 2610 Area: mirroring d_mirgetinternalstatus may return spurious errors 2650 Area: mirroring Asynchronous mirroring loses a transaction if it fails to apply it to the mirror database 2661 Area: runtime The d_open function failed with error -4 (S_INVDB) if the database contained 256 files. 2676 Area: runtime The runtime library failed to open databases with more than 256 files even if the database address format had been modified to allow more than 256 files per database. 2681 Area: mirroring The mirroring subsystem was never clearing the error value returned by d_mirgetinternalstatus(). It now clears the status when a transaction is successfully applied to the mirror database. 3980 Area: runtime customer getting S_FAULT (-902) errors followed by key corruption 8.1.J 22-Dec-2010 Issue Description ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- 2504 Area: psp Customer has verified that the engineering release fixed the issue. 2505 Area: psp Customer have verified that the engineering build of this fix worked 2518 Area: psp Build issues. Patch I 20-Aug-2010 Issue Description ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- 1329 Area: PSP Replication server: Freed memory read error on replication client exit 1566 Area: binaries Replication should not call psp_truename when the TRUENAME option is disabled 1639 Area: binaries Runtime library crashes trying to read corrupt key file while dbcheck is ran. 1645 Area: utilities Dbcheck may terminate prematurely with error -901 due to existance of key corruption 2085 Area: ddlp Disk files not always on disk if some files in schema defined as in-memory. Patch H 18-Feb-2010 Issue Description ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- 1071 Area: libraries dbimp -xml encoded foreign language characters as UTF-8 in char string fields 1181 Area: runtime Database files can not grow beyond 4GB 1182 Area: project files Added support for CW SVME183 board (Integrity) 1194 Area: Binaries d_set_db_rep_type() may corrupt the database transaction number 1197 Area: Binaries d_trset() may corrupt the database replication type 1200 Area: Binaries Replication client may store logs and temporary files in wrong directory 1203 Area: binaries If multiple replicated databases opened in same task transaction numbers are read incorrectly 1224 Area: sql Using SQLBindCol on statement handles that are prepared multiple times could result in memory being leaked. 1226 Area: sql soft memory leak when using bound char parameters 1229 Area: utilities dbswap crash reading key table 1243 Area: binaries dbrev crashes revising databases with sets 1249 Area: utilities dbswap creates incompatible dbd files 1264 Area: xml Exporting a single-byte char value does not work on big-endian architectures. 1269 Area: binaries Replication server does not terminate cleanly 1307 Area: binaries XML import may cause exception if database definition contains "System" record 1310 Area: examples Replication server example does not output debug info on second invocation under VxWorks 1343 Area: binaries Lock manager or replication server may crash after send failure 1497 Area: binaries If database open fails when initializing replication then failed userid is not cleared 1498 Area: replication Replication client should retry if it fails to lock data in slave database 1528 Area: replication Replication logs do not get deleted by server when system is very busy 1529 Area: replication Replication log deletion is slow and causes Internal lock manager errors 1576 Area: binaries Performance degradation on Integrity during long running test on in-memory database 1703 Area: examples examples\replication missing lm_api.h Patch G 24-Apr-2009 Issue Description ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- 997 Area: binaries Return values of utilities are not passed back on VxWorks. 1030 Area: binaries Replication server would keep sending obsolete cached database copy to client. 1033 Area: binaries Replication client did not report all errors when updating the slave database. 1037 Area: binaries Replication server should discard all cache pages from files it deletes. 1062 Area: examples Introduced PSP_STARTUP_EXAMPLE macro. 1074 Area: utilities Keypack could cause database corruption. 1077 Area: binaries Replication server and client would open files without PSP_FLAG_SYNC flag. 1088 Area: binaries XML import of large files was very slow 1096 Area: psp Win32 shared memory not compatible with terminal services 1100 Area: binaries Replication client API should provide a way to enable SYNCFILES and other runtime options. 1108 Area: binaries Replication would always copy database to slave on startup. 1177 Area: libraries Some libraries for the replication server were missing from the source install package. Patch F 9-Mar-2009 Issue Description ----- ------------------------------------------------------------- 640 Area: Binaries Race condition in psp_smemGetKeyNameTable 849 Area: tools Use PSP_STARTUP_PROGRAM macro for the tools 945 Area: Binaries On databases containing key files with 32 or 33 slots per node, dbcheck would hang. 947 Area: replication Some compilers do not allow implicit declarations; external function declarations were added. 963 Area: pss 64 bit support for the cond variable of psp_sharedEvent 989 Area: Build files Building the lock manager on Windows generated a warning about module lm_main.obj being included twice. 1009 Area: Build Fixes and additions to fully support VxWorks 5.5 on all Windows. 1040 Area: Libraries Internal errors introduced when porting db_Query to RDMe 8.1 have been fixed. 1053 Area: library d_setxx may fail when there are multiple databases open due to a missing record table offset for the current database. 1056 Area: library db_query had a few memory management bugs causing a crash on termination 1063 Area: libraries Databases that contain a system record were not handled correctly by db_query. 1066 Area: util Keydump was not displaying the last changed item. Patch 8.1.595-E 06-Jan-2009 Defect Description Module ------ -------------------------------------------------------- --------- 501 Configdb_dbd structure is now exported from the runtime Binaries library and imported into the replication configuration library. 620 db_printf would call psp_fileLock without checking its Binaries return value. 680 Removed unnecessary run_xxx scripts in the example. replication 788 Occasionally the unix build would fail because the Build platdir directory was not created. 790 On 64-bit version of unix, running dbmem -l would cause a Utility coredump. 821 The lock manager status messages were not aligned causing Runtime SIGBUS errors on platforms that require data to be aligned. 850 Uses of abort() have been replaced with exit(1) in the XML xmlparser, as exit is not supported on WinCE. 852 Removed PSP_TEXT from the definitions. Replaces use of PSP PSP_TEXT with DB_TEXT where this macro is used with PSP_TEXT to get it to expand it correctly. 854 Remove some platform dependent code from utilities and Tools examples. 856 A select statement with an order by clause not using an SQL index could have had results no returned if the number of results is a multiple of (1024/result_row_size) * 3. 860 dbcheck wrongly reported possible bad delete_chain Binaries pointer. 861 Windows build would fail on dbswap, dal, lsql. Build 873 Several of read functions were incorrectly reporting an Utilities error or were not reporting when they should have. 874 Restrictions for sql select statements were not SQL restricting. 914 The db_Query function q_open() returned S_EXCLUSIVE (-32) db_Query if you attempted to open a database in shared mode. 984 Added script to setup the TIMS example. Examples Patch 8.1.595-D 20-Dec-2008 Defect Description Module ------ -------------------------------------------------------- --------- 896 Added support for VXWorks Diab compiler Build Patch 8.1.595-C 13-Oct-2008 Defect Description Module ------ -------------------------------------------------------- --------- 670 Some utility functions returned 0 even if there was an Utilities error. 683 Changed dbcheck.c/setup_keys() to check if Utilities DB_LONGINT_TYPE fields are 32-bits. 684 Modified the parser code to set date, time, and timestamp Utilities fields to be DB_REGINT_TYPE fields internally. 688 XML export with SQL statements failed because the SQL Binaries environment handle and command string buffer were not initialized properly. 695 Building the TIMS example on HP-UX would result in an TIMS error. 699 In a multi-threaded process, the PSP may try to access Binaries memory that has been freed. 704 HP-UX did not build _dbd.c files correctly. Makefile 708 Added support for building with the GCC compiler on Sysmake Solaris, AIX, and HP-UX. 718 Errno was tested incorrectly in psp_flRead() on VxWorks Binaries (CIFS file system). 720 The function psp_fileCopy() did not correctly test for Binaries errors returned by psp_fileRead(). 724 S_NOSPACE did not return as documented. Binaries 726 Sddlp did not recognize the "inmemory" keyword Binaries 736 Removed extraneous comments from the source code. All 747 Allow files to be opened with different flags from Binaries different threads. 753 PSP would sometimes try to use an invalid file Binaries descriptor. 767 Replication library was linking to incorrect libraries. source/replication/makefiles 769 Def files were missing on some platforms. Makefile 773 Threadlibraries were missing from new static versions of Makefile examples. 777 Replication needed modifications to support Windows 64bit. Replication 778 If another RDM product was installed, the default install Installer directory may include the other product name instead of the one being installed. Patch 8.1.595-B 5-Sep-2008 Defect Description Module ------ -------------------------------------------------------- --------- 619 Added support for 64bit FreeBSD Build 641 Include POI example Examples 643 Updated dbquery to include in version 8.1 dbquery Patch 8.1.595-A 16-Jul-2008 Defect Description Module ------ -------------------------------------------------------- --------- 498 Calls to d_ API from dberr callback, or following Binaries exception or longjump, are now permitted. 588 Internal function send_pzlock can cause gpf Locking 597 Mirroring recovery fails psp 603 dbcluster corrupt vardata files Utilities 606 dbdefrag can corrupt vardata file Utilities 618 The Quickstart & Utility_api example files were missing. Build